Saturday, December 18, 2010

Red X's are where to enter and get direction
light blue X is round about where we are set up.

Friday, December 17, 2010

How to get to the spot that "X" marks.

If you have previous knowledge of the Belmont trails, you may know that as you roll in from the parking lot at the plateau you find yourself on an access road of sorts. The one you are on will take you from a maintenance building to another at the access road's terminus. At the end of the access road you will take a left onto the paved section and taking another quick left, you will have to go over a small slab of stone and onto another road more reminiscent of a jeep track or double track. Continue on this until you take a right hand turn that puts you at the bottom of a hill. This is where we'll be set up.
To abate some confusion, we'll also have folks hanging out in the parking lot, the access road, and on Chamonix rd. to direct folks, so look confused and we'll get you there.
We hope you come out and enjoy yourselves it's gonna be a fun time. Thanks.

location location location

location: X marks the spots where you can come and get further directions on where the race will be happening. 10:30 is the projected tome of the first race so if you want to ride any pre ace laps come out around 10:00. We have an awesome prize list for those show and have fun this weekend.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Drawing nearer, hard facts and hot details

Well, I guess folks might be on the edge of their seats waiting for the official details of the race to drop like the dog piloted space craft fell to earth years ago.
Here is what I can muster up, as the powers that be have finally adjourned weighty meetings preceding this official release: Races will take place at the trails of the Belmont Plateau. Parking is available close to the course either in the Belmont parking lot off of Montgomery dr. or equidistant parking is to be had on Chamonix either at the soccer fields, stables, or all the way down at the hostel. Once parked, schlep whatever you'll need down the access roads that run through the plateau and you should find a person who will direct you. Forgive us for running the race in such camouflage. We'll make it worth your while hopefully.
Races will start at 10:30am. We'll run two or three races; an "A" race, and a "B" race. We'll run a third "women's" race if enough ladies show up. All races will be 40 minutes long. That's plenty, believe me. I suggest you show up a bit early to both find the race and to ride the course at least once. Pack in, pack out.
More to come; again, if you have any further questions or concerns, leave a comment here. Thanks.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Getting to know you, getting to know us.

So, as vague as that last post was, I hope that it helped put a little light on what we're actually trying to achieve here. We are putting on a rogue race. Much like the famed Thurs. evening MTB races held through the more temperate seasons, this event is intended to capture the fun, the skill, and the spirit of riding bikes in the dirt.
A lap has now been created. At a good clip I was able to ride two laps at roughly 6 min. a lap. Half of the lap consists of twisting and winding single-track, the other, fire roads with a few turns. It's our intention to make this as enjoyable and equally viable for someone to win, or ride their best anyway, on a CX bike or an MTB bike. It's all part of the name, right?
A good time will be had. Keep checking back here for more info as it comes available.
I really can't wait for this to happen, so pumped.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Fun-Time Event: Sisyphus Loved Fun

For any of you that has entertained the idea of putting on a cycling event for a fun time, you may have noticed how void of fun the process is. As a Cyclone may lift your house aloft and pretty much ruin it, the permitting, palm-greasing, and general dollar soliciting can erase any and all ideas that an event catering to an already narrow scope of folks even vaguely interested in something you are inviting them out to.
Let's take the myth of Sisyphus as an example. Full of guile, Sisyphus tricked the "devil" into taking leave from his under-worldly duties. When called to the underworld to explain himself and possibly receive punishment, he claimed a formalities were ignored for proper passage across the river Styx. Like a child playing Simon Says who says "Go to hell" with out the preface of the game's signature command, Sisyphus was absolved from his trip and subsequent atonement for a while, at least. It would seem he just loved fun a lot, and wanted to continue his pursuit of it.
I've paraphrased a lot here and even taken some liberties with the myth, but a person or group of folks who desire to put on a fun bike riding event could be compared to this in a way. Rather than laying a coin under our tongues for Sharon's piloting us across the river, or, really, shelling out money to do a very by-the-book CX race, we want to skip it all and get to the fun part.
Enter: X-mas CX and MTB Follies!!! A plateau-centric race in Philadelphia to be part of a fun-loving bike driving weekend together with Bilenky's Junkyard race the next day. Laps of half single-track and half double track/ fire road await fine riders of all sort to take to the dirt and make merry. Dec 18th will rule our calendars til then, and hopefully yours as well. Hopefully this will not have us rolling boulders come the 19th.
Feel free to ask questions on the comments section, we'll get back to you with pertinent answers. Thanks!!